Red Pocket Equity Partners aim to bring our investors attractive private investment opportunities which are traditionally reserved only for high net worth individuals and ultra-wealthy. We believe these opportunities present true diversification outside of the traditional Wall Street and build wealth through stable cash flow growth rather than speculation.


“Red Pocket” symbolizes prosperity and abundance in Asian culture.  As an ancient tradition in China, parents or grandparents would give red pockets to their children or grandchildren at the turn of the year for luck and prosperity in the next year.
This tradition has been cherished and observed by generations for more than 2000 years and it also deeply impacted all our founders at Red Pocket. Therefore, we would like to pass down this tradition and share “red pockets” with our investor and partners.


Red Pocket Equity Partners is founded by a group of seasoned real estate professionals that currently own a portfolio of more than 1,000 multifamily units. All principals have enjoyed a successful career in their respective fields ( tech, consulting, finance, etc) but all share a passion for real estate, thus decided to dedicate a significant amount of time/efforts in the affordable multifamily housing sector.